Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Break!

YAY!!!! Winter break has finally came to my life! Any ways I have 3 Christmases this year! Cool, right? I will be at my dads for Christmas morning, have a Christmas party Christmas Eve. and then go to my moms for Christmas. Its gunna be a busy Christmas 4 me!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Sorry I haven't been posting in a while but since September my dad moved I got my phone taken away but got it back! I don't know what else to talk about, bye!!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

OMG!!!! I'm with my bff for life rite now we r listening to music in my office just chillin waiting for pizza how rockin is that????????????????????

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wax Moths (Cont.)

The wax moths are GONE!!!!!!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


I'm going to see Eclipse today it's sooooo exciting..... I hope it's as good as I thought it would be..

Monday, August 9, 2010

Wax Moths

My house is invested with wax moths! Wax moths are a type a type of moth that are attracted to honeycombs. Last month I kept finding bees in my bathroom and then I found out that the bee's honeycomb was in the wall of my bathroom. They kept getting in through this little crack and there was a hole in my cabinets in my room so they got out from there to. So my bathroom and my bedroom had bee's. So then the guys came, killed them all, and sealed the crack. But I don't think they sealed it good enough. Becasue that's where the moths are coming from. The honeycomb from the bee's was still in the wall so the moths got attracted. Now I just put up a trap!!!!


If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a tree or a cloud. Because clouds live forever and trees are peaceful. Then again if I was a tree I would soon be chopped down and turned into paper. So yeah I guess it'd be a cloud that's all I can think of now. Or maybe I can be a household object. Earlier I was thinking a rock but they get stepped on too much so, nah! I have to keep thinking I'll get back to this later g2g!!

I'm bored

I'm so bored! I have nothing to do I'm just sitting here doing nothing! Well, I guess I'm on the computer a little bit. But still I don't know what to do! Maybe I can play a board game or play something or watch tv or..or....or I don't know!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bejeweled 2

My family is very competive with the game Bejeweled 2. They are like I have to beat your score and they just have to beat each other's score it's ricdiculous. And get this I haven't even played at all and I'm the one who's good at it well maybe not but still. It's so wierd hearing them say I have to beat your score or else!!!

My Brother's Birthday

My little brother's birthday was here last month he was so happy with the gift I got him. He likes Modern Warfare so I got him a poster of that and he knew I was getting him a poster. And then I got him two Call of Duty games for the playstation 2, Big Red One and some other one